Corrosion Problems

      This is a prime example of how brass plumbing fittings can corrode from well water. This one was discovered by the homeowner after the corrosion caused a leak. Corrosion is caused by the minerals and chemicals from the water. If you suspect your water is corrosive you should have it tested.

Corrosion can be prevented and corrected before causing problems.  Installing corrosion resistant components on your plumbing, and installing a neutralizing filter system are some of the things you can do. If you are having problems or suspect corrosion and need help give us a call here at Cain’s Able Plumbing. Our guys can help you with your corrosion problem and any other plumbing issues you may have.



First Assembly Water Leak

A water leak we repaired as an emergency for one of our customers. This leak was on the water service about 3.5′ deep.

Pine Ridge Water Leak

A water leak that we repaired for one of our customers. This leak was about 4.5′ deep on a water service for a well.

Vacation Week 3/26/18 – 4/1/18 & What That Means










The week of March 26 thru April 1st is a vacation week for our company.

Half of our crew is taking some much deserved time off and spending it with their families. This means that We do not schedule minor repairs or repairs that can wait during this week.

However, we do take emergencies and other urgent repairs. So please if you have something that is pressing that needs to be repaired, don’t hesitate to call us. If you have something minor, or not urgent, and would like to schedule for the following week when the full crew is back at work, please do!

Thank you so much for your business!

<3 Crissie

The Root of the Problem

This 6ft. long root was the result of a crack in a sewer drain. The root grew into the drain through the crack  eventually causing the drain to be clogged.  Thanks to our guys here at Cain’s Able Plumbing the situation has been resolved and this particular root will no longer be a problem.

Thanksgiving Holiday!

Hello All! Just a heads up that our office closes at 4pm today and will be closed through the holiday weekend. We will return emails and calls for all non-urgent matters on Monday 11/27. However, if you have an emergency or a plumbing problem that just can’t wait, please call our office line, leave a message, and someone will return your call as soon as they are able.
Thank you, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families!

Vacation – Sept 25 – 29

Hello folks!

The week of September 25 – 29 our office will be closed for vacation and we will reopen on October 2, like usual.

However, if you have an urgent repair or need an immediate response, please leave a detailed message including your name, phone number, address and a brief description of your problem. We will return your call as soon as possible.

Thank you! Have a blessed day!


Small Bath Remodel, City Housing

Start to finish pictures of a small bathroom remodel for city housing.

When Contractors Create Drain Problems

Below are some pictures from a job that we did in 2016.

A contractor, poured a new driveway for one of our customers and filled her sewer line with concrete. At first they didn’t want to own up to the responsibility, but with these photos as proof, they had to concede that they made a mistake.

Thankfully with our help, the customer now has full functionality of their sewer lines and all is right with the world once again.

Website Crashed

Welcome to Cain’s Able

We apologize for our website. It was crashed by malware at the end of June and we are working to rebuild it. It will take some time, as we keep up with it ourselves and have limited time to do so.

Everything that is important has been restored. However, we are lacking pictures and any blog posts that we once had. Content will fill the pages soon as we work to get it all restored. The blog may be the only thing we are unable to restore.

Thank you for your patience,

The crew at Cains.