Our office will be closing at 12pm this Friday April 7 through next Monday April 10. During this time we will be taking EMERGENCY CALLS ONLY. Please do not use the contact us form on the website as we will be out of the office and will not be closely monitoring our email inbox. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday April 11.
If you have an emergency please call us at 704-857-1600 and leave a message. We will return your call as soon as possible.
True emergencies consist of the following:
Main Sewer Line Back-up, resulting in you not being able to use your facilities.
A clogged toilet, but only if it is the only one in your home.
A bad water leak inside your home, which has resulted in your water being shut off.
No Hot Water, is NOT considered an emergency.
All other plumbing issues, may be an inconvenience, but are not an emergency.
Have a blessed Easter!